Year End Review 2022

Looking back at our achievements from 2022

It was an amazing year here at the Selenium project, and we wanted to remind you of some of the great things we accomplished.

In terms of releases, we continued to build on top of Selenium 4 which was launched in October 2021. This year we published v4.2, v4.3, v4.4, v4.5, v4.6, and v4.7. These releases included improvements, bug fixes, removal of deprecated functionality, improved error handling, updates of the underlying libraries, support for the latest Chrome DevTools versions to keep you in sync with new browser releases, but also new features.

We introduced the first (beta) version of the embedded Selenium Manager. The purpose of this feature is to help you manage your driver binaries without having to manually update them yourself each time a new version is released. We also introduced observability in the Docker-Selenium images. Another major new feature is native support for scrolling in the Actions API. But these are only some of the highlights of what we released. To get the details for each language we support, you can check out their corresponding Changelog pages: Java, Python, Ruby, Javascript, DotNet.

In terms of events and gatherings, in July our Selenium India Conference took place, this time online. It kicked off with an 8 talk pre-conference event, namely Selenium Lite. We then had a full day of workshops, followed by 2 days of conference. We had over 50 speakers and over 800 participants from around the world. The talks focused on Selenium, the Selenium ecosystem, automation, methodologies and best practices. In case you missed some of these talks, you can still watch them here.

We also held 2 test automation summits: one in San Francisco and one in Berlin. During these workshops the participants, together with some of the maintainers of frameworks from the Selenium ecosystem, built their Selenium based projects, added tests, new features and fixed bugs. During the first summit the participants focused on the BiDi protocol, while during the second one the focus was on Appium and mobile automation.

We are kicking off next year with a few surprises. The Selenium Conference in Chicago just announced the Speaker Lineup. Stay tuned for further details!

Many thanks to everyone who has contributed to the Selenium project for all their hard work this year!

And special thanks to all of you who are using, following and supporting the Selenium project.

From everyone here at SeleniumHQ, may you have the best holidays and an amazing new year. See you in 2023!

Last modified December 23, 2022: end of year blog post (#1269) (7959914a03)